Base 4

Welcome to Base 4

Year 5

Mrs Fryer, Mrs Owen and Mrs Anson

Our Summer Term 2024 topic is

World War 2

Our class reader this term is…

‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ by Emma Carroll

We weren’t supposed to be going to the pictures that night…not when German bombs had been falling like pennies from a jar.

February, 1941

A bomb blast…

A chance encounter…

Her mother’s coat…

This is all Olive can remember of the night her sister Sukie went missing. With London unsafe, Olive and her brother are evacuated to the Devonshire coast to saty with a mysterious lighthouse keeper.

There, Olive must solve a mystery of her own: a strange coded note which seems to link Sukie to Devon, and to something dark and impossibly dangerous.

Weekly Reminders


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
PE Kit   Homework Due In Forest School Kit


Diary Check

Homework Set



Your homework will consist of 10 spelling words. You should practise these words four times using one of the methods which are in the back of your Homework Book. You will also have a Maths task to complete, which will be based on this term’s KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts). Completed homework must be returned to school on a Wendesday, ready to be marked and returned with the following week’s homework on a Friday.



Reading is so important for a child’s development. Reading just a few minutes a day has a massive impact on a child’s ability to access the rest of the curriculum. If a child reads regularly, their writing will improve, alongside other core curriculum areas.


We ask children in Year 5 to read at least five times a week and write comments in their diaries for these reads. You should use the example comments in your diary to help structure these comments. We are looking for one vocabulary, one retrieval and one inference comment per week. The other two comments are your choice. We check Reading Diaries on a Thursday, so make sure your diary is in school on this day.


On Mondays and Thursdays, please come to school in your PE uniform: your red Randlay t-shirt, a jumper, black joggers (in winter) or shorts (in summer) and plain trainers. No football tops please.