Base 5

Welcome to Base 5

Miss Williams, Mrs Davda, Mrs Robinson and Mr Harsthorne teach this class.

Our class reader is…
‘Letters From The Lighthouse’ written by Emma Carroll.

Letters from the lighthouse is a fantastic story set in WW2 as the journey of Olive and Cliff is followed as they are evacuated to the coast of Devon after living through air raids in London.  Mystery and suspense builds throughout the story, as their sister Sukie goes missing and they can’t find her.


Reading is so important for a child’s development. Reading just a few minutes a day has a huge impact on a child’s ability to access the rest of the curriculum. If a child reads regularly, their writing will improve, alongside other core curriculum area.

We ask children in Year 5 and 6 to read at least five times a week and write comments in their diaries for these reads. You should use the example comments in your diary to help structure these comments. We are looking for one vocabulary, one retrieval and one inference comment per week. The other two comments are your choice. We check Reading Diaries on a Wednesday, so make sure your diary is in school on this day.

Use the link below for some help with how to write your reading comments:



In Base 5, homework will be given out on a Friday and will be expected to be handed in by the following Thursday.

This will give the children a week to complete it. If they finish the homework before Friday they can bring it in early.

Spellings given out on a Friday will be tested on the following Friday.

Reading Expectations

Reading books and diaries need to be brought to school every day. Your child may change their book whenever they need to. Please continue to listen to your child read as often as you can; we expect children to be reading at home at least five times per week, writing a comment each time. If they accidentally leave their reading diary at school, they can write their comment on a scrap piece of paper ready to be copied in the following morning.

Children will be rewarded with a raffle ticket into the weekly draw if they achieve this weekly expectation of reading five times outside of school with comments for each read. The child whose raffle ticket is drawn is then able to go to our BRAND NEW vending machine located just outside Mrs Stolic’s office and use a token to retrieve a book of their choice to keep!


Children must include a retrieval, vocabulary and inference comment at least once a week. Assistance with how to write these types of comments can be found in the comments booklet that has been stuck in the middle of your child’s reading diary.


PE and Crossbar in School

Children must come to school on a Tuesday and Friday wearing full PE kit to participate in the lesson.

Children should have a red Randlay or plain white T-shirt, black or navy shorts, socks and trainers as well as black or navy jogging bottoms.

We discourage the wearing of jewellery and for safety reasons, only stud earring may be worn – these must be removed or covered before participating in sport.

Outdoor Learning

On Thursdays during Autumn Term, please come to school in your school clothes. In a separate (named) bag, you will need old clothes that can get muddy, waterproofs and wellies.