Base 10

Welcome to Base 10

This Year 4 class is taught by Miss Lear and supported by Mrs Stokes.


Homework is handed out every Friday and books need to be brought back into school by the following Thursday. As part of the homework, children will be given a list of 8-10 spelling words, reading and alternate Maths and English work. We practise our spellings every morning ready to be tested on a Friday morning.


Reading comments should be completed in the children’s reading diaries.  If the children have read at least five times (3 at home and 2 in school), then this is rewarded with a raffle ticket for our ‘Big Book Draw’ every Friday. The lucky winner to be drawn out of the Year 3 & 4 box will receive a book token for the vending machine. Children should make a comment each time they read, stating what they have read and proposing questions to themselves.


Our PE sessions for the Summer term will be taught every Wednesday by Mr Trainor and every Thursday by Miss Lear. Please come to school in your PE kit on these days. Remember the lovely red Randlay top that you have been given! Additionally, we take part in the Mile Run twice a week.  No jewellery is allowed during PE sessions. Earrings will need to be removed or covered with tape.