Base 11

Welcome to Base 11

We are a Year 1 and Year 2 class of children.

Our teachers are Miss Bevan and Mrs Ball.

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Li and Mrs Unwin.

In this class we always try our best and are kind to each other.

This term our topic is…

Grow Your Own!

As part of this topic we will be learning about how to grow plants from seeds, including those we can eat!  We will be growing, designing and making Smoothies using a range of fruits and vegetables and growing our own plants and have plenty of opportunities to explore and observe plants all around us in the school grounds during our outdoor learning sessions and we will also be exploring the vegetable garden and fruit orchard when we visit Weston Park.

After half term, we will be having an exciting visit from “The Bee Lady” to find out more about how bees are needed to “Grow Your Own.”

We will also be finding out about the countries and continents of the world in geography and our history will focus on the significant event of the Titanic.

Our reading journal class text this half term is “Ash’s Garden”.

Class Systems

Reading for Pleasure – We would encourage everyone to share books and read for pleasure at home as much as possible, revisiting favourite stories often.  Every Friday you can choose a class library book to take home to share and enjoy.  Please return this book the following week, ready to select a new library book.

Reading of your individual reading book should be completed at least four times per week and recorded with a comment in the reading diary.  Remember you will be entered into the reading raffle if this has been completed and all of your reading will help us in the weekly reading challenge to be the class to complete the most reads in school.

Homework will be sent home for both year 1 and 2 on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Thursday please. This will consist of the weekly spelling focus and learning our KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) focus.

Outdoor learning is on Thursday.

Our PE day is Wednesday and will be delivered by our fabulous Crossbar Coaches.  Please make sure that you come to school in your PE kit on these days.  The school uniform for P.E. is a white t-shirt or red Randlay top, black shorts or trousers, and black pumps or trainers.