Base 12

Welcome to Base 12

Hello and welcome to our Base 12 class page. We are a reception class and this year our Class Teacher is Miss Chetwood and our wonderful support staff are Miss Wells and Miss Kimberley.

We love exploring, playing, communicating and collaborating and have lots of exciting activities planned this year, so watch this space for photos and updates.

Please also check here for updates regarding PE and Little Explorer Days.


Our PE day is Tuesday

On PE days, please could children come into school wearing their red school PE top or a plain red top with some black leggings or jogging bottoms. Please could children also wear a pair of trainers on these days.

Little Explorers:

Our Little Explorers day is a Tuesday.

On these days could children please come into school wearing their school tops, a pair of old black joggers and their school shoes. Children must bring a bag containing named wellies each week. This can be left in school if you prefer. During the winter months could children also be provided with named coats, hats, scarves etc as we are keen to get out whatever the weather.


In Base 12 we love learning to read and exploring books, stories, rhymes and songs. To help us learn, we have a daily phonics session where we learn how to say and write our letter sounds. We also have three group reading sessions a week where we explore a decodable reading book. Our first session focuses on decoding the book, using our segmenting and blending skills. The second session explores reading with expression, and the third ensures we understand what our story is about and what all the words mean.

Once we have read this book three times we can take it home for a week, where we can read it again. The school expectation is that this book is read at home at least 4 times and recorded in our reading record. This will really help us to develop not just our fluency, but also our love for reading. Not to mention, we can also earn a raffle ticket that might win us a book!

We also pick out a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book each week and take it home in our book bags. We would love to share this book with you at home – maybe even as a special bed time story!

Both books are changed on Fridays.