Base 7

Welcome to Base 7

We are a Year 3 and 4 class taught by Mrs Hever. Our support staff are Mrs White and Mrs Spink.

We have lots of exciting activities planned. Watch this space for updates!


Homework is set every Friday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday.

Spellings will be given out on Friday and are then tested the following Thursday.

Please tell a member of staff if your child is struggling with their homework before it is due back so that we can help out.


Reading comments should be completed in the children’s reading diaries.  If the children have read at least 4 times for Year 3 and 5 times for Year 4, then this is rewarded with a raffle ticket for our ‘Big Book Draw’ every Friday.  Children should make a comment each time they read, they should use the question starters in their diaries to help them to write comments.

We are a Year 3 and 4 class taught by Mrs Hever. Our support staff are Mrs White and Mrs Spink.

We have lots of exciting activities planned. Watch this space for updates!


PE is taught every Monday and Thursday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on those days. No jewellery is allowed during PE sessions. Earrings will need to be removed, if they cannot be removed your child will be given tape to cover them.

Lost Things!

We all lose things from time to time. Help us to reunite your child with their items by making sure things have their name in them!

Our topic this term is:

The Romans

Getting in touch!

If you would like to get in touch parents and carers can, of course, speak briefly to us on the door. However we recognise this may not always be appropriate. If you need to share something more confidential please send an email to or contact us via the school office.

Likewise, we love to hear from the children about their achievements or news, if there is an object that goes with this please take a photograph and send it to the email address above and we can share the image on the interactive whiteboard.

There’s lots to learn in year 3 and 4. We try to make learning as fun as possible. Have a look at some of these websites for fun games and activities that help you to learn.

Year 4 children will take the multiplication check in June 2024. At the moment we love using the following websites: