Base 8

Welcome to Base 8

This Year 2 Class is taught by Miss Jackson and supported by Miss O’Hara and Miss Sommerville.

In this class we always aim to try our best and be kind to each other

Useful Links


Our Reading Journal text this half term is…

The Magic of Seasons by Vicky Woodgate

Our Year 2 Autumn term topic is…

Into the Woods!

During this topic, we will be focusing on the question ‘Why does our world need woodland?’ We will be sharing a variety of different fiction and non-fiction books and linking these to our English work. We will be studying the geography of our school and the local area using our fieldwork and observation skills. This will also link in with our Science as we will be focusing on identifying a variety of tree structures and observing seasonal change.

Reading for pleasure!

In year 2, we place a great emphasis on reading for pleasure and are always finding any opportunities within the school day to share a range of stories and texts to help nurture a love of reading.

We love to hear about the children’s favourite stories and have introduced a reading for pleasure book that the children can share at home.

P.E. – Tuesday and Friday.

P.E. kits need to be worn every Tuesday & Friday.

The school P.E. kit consists of a red Randlay logo T-shirt/plain red top, black PE shorts/plain black jogging bottoms and a black logo PE hoodie/plain black sweatshirt