Base 1

Welcome to Base 1

Welcome to Nursery!

Hello everyone and welcome to Nursery!

Your teacher this year is Mrs. White who is joined by Miss. Reid and Miss. Mincher as key workers. You have already been informed of your child’s key worker, but if you are unsure, please ask us in Nursery. We are more than happy to help.

We will also be supported by Mrs Ashton and Miss. Kimberley.

In Nursery, Play is at the heart of everything we do! We plan hard to meet children’s needs and interests so if your child develops new interests please do let us know!

We love to be independent, to explore, to learn and to grow and we can’t wait to show you everything we have been learning!


Our PE days this term are:

Wednesday Morning (for both 30 hour children and morning children)

Friday Afternoon (For both 30 hour children and afternoon children)

Please can you insure that on these days children where clothing that is easy to move in (leggings or joggers) and shows that they can take off and put on again themselves (no laces please).

Little Explorers

Little Explorers is Randlay’s version of ‘Forest Schools’. With the EYFS framework it is more important now than ever to get children outside learning and exploring nature. Each session we will plan activities with your child that relate to our theme or the book of the week.

Our Little Explorers day is Friday. We endeavour to go out whatever the weather, but if it is very wet or cold we may decide it is not wise to go based on a risk assessment. On this day, please provide wellies in a named bag for your child. If you would like them to stay in school, please notify a member of staff.