Base 2

Welcome to Base 2

Hello and welcome to Base 2! We are a Reception class.

Our teacher this year is Mrs Radusin and our teaching assistants are Mrs Baronet and Miss Weaver.

We love exploring, playing, communicating and collaborating and have lots of exciting activities planned this year, so watch this space!


Our PE day is on Tuesday. Children can come dressed in their PE kit on this day – a pair of trainers, leggings/ shorts or jogging bottoms and a Randlay Primary School PE top. This half term we have been developing our throwing and catching skills. We are also working on climbing and moving in a range of ways using the large apparatus.

Little Explorers- Autumn Term.

Our Little Explorers day is Friday, where we will go out into the forest area to explore the natural environment and have fun looking out for different types of nature and signs of the seasons. We love to learn about how to look after our environment as well! This half term we have explored the woods, looking at bugs and changes in the environment.

It can be chilly out there, so don’t forget to wrap up warm!

Also please make sure clothes are labelled so that nothing gets lost!


In Base 2 we love learning to read and exploring books, stories, rhymes and songs. To help us learn, we have a daily phonics session where we learn how to say and write our letter sounds. We also have three group reading sessions a week where we explore picture books and decodable reading books. Our first session focuses on decoding the book, using our segmenting and blending skills. The second session explores reading with expression, and the third ensures we understand what our story is about and what all the words mean.

Once we have read this book three times we can take it home for a week, where we can read it again. The school expectation is that this book is read at home at least 4 times and recorded in our reading record. This will really help us to develop not just our fluency, but also our love for reading.

We also pick out a ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book each week and take it home in our book bags. We would love to share this book with you at home – maybe even as a special bed time story!

The decodable book and the ‘Reading for Pleasure’ book is changed on a Friday.

Summer Term.

During the first half of the Summer Term we have been exploring fairy tales as part of our castles and crowns theme. The children have enjoyed designing their own crowns, costumes, writing their own fairy tales and of course joining in with our very own EYFS Fairy Tale ball!

In mathematics we have been working on composition of number as well as sharing and grouping in practical contexts.

The children have loved designing and making their own bookmarks, as part of the Design and Technology sewing unit. They have used their sewing skills to make shapes and patterns on their bookmarks.

During this half term we will be exploring texts based on the theme Our Wonderful World. Each week we will read a text with a beach and seaside theme. Including, Lucy and Tom at the Seaside, Clem and Crab and Somebody Swallowed Stanley. In Mathematics we will be exploring shape.