Admission into the School
As our Admissions Authority, the Local Authority (Telford and Wrekin LA) co-ordinates our admissions. All requests for Reception children (four and five year olds) places are coordinated by the LA.
Parents of Reception children will receive a Primary School Preference from the Local Authority (LA) during the Autumn Term. This form allows you to select a first and second choice Primary School for your child.
Allocations are made by the Local Authority and parents are informed during the Spring term. The LA determines the allocation of Reception places based on factors such as children in care, children with brothers and sisters already in school and children with the shortest walking route to school. More details are available from school or the LA.
For admission to all other year groups, the school will admit children up to the class number limit, after which the class will be deemed full (30 children per class).Ensuring a successful start to school is a partnership between parents, pre-schools, schools and the Local Authority.
All children must, by law, receive full-time education from the start of the term after their fifth birthday. All children are entitled to start in a Reception class in the September after their 4th birthday. Children do not have to start school in September if it is felt that they are not ready. Parents will also have the opportunity for their child to remain in nursery provision until the beginning of the spring (January) or summer (April) terms in the year in which they are due to start in the Reception class. It will, however, be necessary for parents to confirm their preferred start date in the Reception class in advance, when they receive their allocated school place from the Admissions Team.
However, the statutory school age, by which a child must start school, will remain as the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday. For some children this could mean that they do not reach the statutory age for starting school until the September after their 5th birthday. Parents should be aware that if they choose to delay a child’s entry to school until the following September, the child would go straight into Year 1 rather than Reception.
A Reception place cannot be held open for the whole school year and a family would have to reapply for a Year 1 place; the year group may already be full.
Infant/primary schools are only registered to admit children from September after their 4th birthday.
Telford and Wrekin LA operate the school’s admission policy on behalf of the school, full details of which, together with information about the arrangements for admission are set out in the LA’s information for parents booklet.
Admission Appeals
Telford & Wrekin admissions team look after all local authority schools admissions process. If you wish to appeal the decision please log back onto your application where you will be able to click on the appeal option. Once they receive your appeal, you will receive confirmation of the hearing date/time from the council’s democratic services.
Schools Information Booklet 2025-2026
T&W Schools Admissions Booklet
Changing Schools
Families who move to Telford and Wrekin outside the normal points of entry i.e. at the start of primary or secondary school and need school places for their children will need to make an In-year application.
If you are looking to transfer your child to a school in Telford and Wrekin from another local school, you should first speak to staff at your child’s current school if you have any issues or concerns. A change of school could be disruptive to your child’s education, so you should consider whether this is in your child’s best interests.
Many schools are likely to be full and will not be able to offer any additional places. The School Admissions team will be able to advise you which schools have places available.
Please view the Local Authorities Coordinated In-Year Admissions scheme here.
Admission Team
Telford & Wrekin Council
Darby House
Formal Offers of School Places
When we are notified by the Local Authority of the place offered to your child(ren), we will contact you regarding an induction meeting with you, your child(ren) and the school. This meeting will consist of a short induction for your child(ren) to their new class and teacher and a meeting with the School Business Manager, Sonia Aston to share all important/relevant school information/polices.
Moving to Telford
If you are moving into the Borough and you fall into the category of vulnerable learner or key worker and may require assistance regarding a school place in terms of child care please email
For information on the update on the school admission appeals – please click here – New Government Guidance
Please contact legal and democratic email if you wish to receive further advice
Details for Reception Admission
There is one intake into reception in September for the whole year group.
The school can accept 45 into the reception year group in the academic year 2024/25. Please contact Telford and Wrekin LA for application details.
Telford & Wrekin – Starting School Information
The LA will allocate places and inform parents around Easter, prior to the start of the academic year.
Please note that a place at Randlay Nursery does not guarantee a place at Randlay School.
Details for Nursery Admission
Randlay offer both 15 and 30 hour places in Nursery. To discuss which option would suit you please contact the school office.