SEN Information
An SEN information report will be updated annually to reflect changes and plans within the school. The report states the current provision within Randlay Primary school.
How do I contact the school regarding SEN?
Name and contact details of SEN co-coordinator in school:
Mrs. K. White Randlay Primary School TF3 2LR (01952386986)
School Governor for SEN: Mrs. P. Hustwick
What kinds of special educational needs does Randlay Primary school provide for?
The school is a primary school for pupils aged 4-11, with an attached 48 place nursery. We offer a broad and creative curriculum that is exciting and engaging and pride ourselves on the inclusive nature of our mainstream offer that is accessible to every child. The inclusion policy outlines the way the school meets the needs of pupils who experience barriers to their learning, which relate to sensory or physical impairment, learning difficulties or problems concerning social or emotional development. We also collaborate with other local education providers to explore how different needs can be met effectively. We respond to the needs of the children on roll at any one time, ensuring that we are able to fully support them using the best strategies. All schools have duties under the Equality Act 2010 towards individual disabled children and young people. As a school we must make reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services for disabled children, to prevent them being put at a substantial disadvantage. The Children and Families Act 2014 places a duty on schools to make arrangements to support pupils with medical conditions.
How does Randlay Primary school identify and assess pupils with special educational needs?
The school adopts a graduated response to meeting special educational needs in line with the Code of Practice. The SENCO works closely with the school’s Assessment Co-ordinator, using whole school tracking data as an early indicator. We use a number of additional indicators of special educational needs.
• Tracking individual progress over time.
• Information from previous schools/settings on transfer.
• Use of the local authority SEN criteria.
• Following up parental concern.
• Information from other services.
If a child is not making expected progress despite high-quality teaching the class teacher will consult with the SENCO and parents to decide if additional provision is necessary.
At this point the SENCO will be involved in discussion with the class teacher and advice on a Provision Map to be put in place. This will be written by the class teacher in consultation with the pupil, parents/carers, and SENCO. The class teacher will be responsible for delivering and monitoring appropriate interventions, including the timetabling of additional provisions.
The Provision Map will be reviewed termly, or sooner if required, and the impact of interventions recorded. Pupils and parents may be involved in this process.
If there is evidence that the pupil is making insufficient progress despite support and intervention, we may seek further advice and support from outside professionals. Parental consent is sought before any involvement of external agencies. As a result of this support the child’s Provision Map will incorporate advice from external professionals such as, Learning Support Advisory Teacher (LSAT), Speech and Language Therapist or Occupational Therapist.
What expertise and training do staff at Randlay Primary school have in relation to children with special educational needs?
In order to maintain and develop the quality of our provision, staff undertake appropriate training and further professional development. All staff and Governors are encouraged to attend all relevant INSET. In addition, teaching staff and TA’s are encouraged and supported to attend training sessions relating to their specific roles within school. The SENCO plays an important role in advising and contributing to the professional development of teachers and staff. There are regular staff meetings where SEN issues are discussed. These are related to specific concerns relevant to the needs identified or to ensure staff are kept up to date with information and legislation. There is an induction procedure for NQT’s and new staff into the school’s policy and procedures for SEN.
The SENCO has this year completed the National Award for SENCO. External training is provided through courses offered by Telford and Wrekin authority which all staff have the opportunity to attend. All teaching staff this year have received training in writing provision maps and using Pupil Passports.
How does Randlay Primary school teach pupils with special educational needs and how is it evaluated?
Children with additional needs at our school will follow the main curriculum offer wherever possible. Adaptions may be made to accommodate individual needs and work can be differentiated to support learning needs and styles but participation in the life of the classroom is central to the provision that we make.
Teachers plan daily lessons to meet the needs of all pupils in their classes, teachers also plan additional provision for small groups that will work with the support of a teaching assistant. Children with an EHCP will receive 1:1 support from an allocated TA for part of the day.
The class teacher will facilitate access to learning through the appropriate differentiation of tasks and activities and also through the provision of specialist equipment or modified resources where necessary. We make use of use of VAK (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) approaches throughout the curriculum to support different learning styles. Our teaching is supported through the Implementation of specifically tailored support strategies and programmes e.g. devised by Speech and Language therapist.
In addition to this several intervention programmes run which pupil’s may access at different points in the school day. These can be individual or small groups and may be with pupils from other classes.
Provision is planned and evaluated through the use of provision maps that track and monitor the progress of pupils and the impact of provision against targets set by the class teacher and any other agencies involved with the child.
We regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the support we offer or can access.
How does Randlay Primary school adapt the learning environment for pupils with special educational needs?
All areas of school comply with The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001. Appropriate modifications have been made to the environment so that all pupils are able to access all areas of school. Children are not placed in demountable classrooms if hearing impaired or suffering from a medical condition that necessitates being close to the main school building.
In addition to the usual resources we have in class, there are some specialised resources that may be used to support a pupil who may be experiencing difficulties. We work closely with other professionals to provide equipment to support children with additional needs. Our SEND policy and Disability and equality Policy are available to view on our website.
How are parents/carers consulted and involved in their child’s education at Randlay primary school?
Parents are fully included in the process of working with their children. All parents and families are welcome to visit the school prior to their child starting school. We operate an ‘open door’ policy welcoming parents into school at the beginning and end of the school day to discuss any concerns or problems. Sometimes, if necessary, an appointment may need to be made to discuss problems in more detail. Pupils have Reading and Homework diaries that parents are encouraged to add comments to. Termly parent/carer meetings are held through the school year where pupil progress is discussed with the class teacher. This is an ideal opportunity to raise any concerns you or the class teacher may have about your child’s development. We encourage parents to contribute to their child’s Provision map. Parents are also asked to contribute to the pupil’s transition ‘pupil passport’ at the end of the year to be passed on to the new class teacher. There are two parent representatives on our school governing body.
What facilities are there for supporting parents of pupils with SEN?
The Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) provides impartial advice, support and information. The service provides opportunities to talk through any concerns you have and to help you prepare for discussions in addition to attending meetings and visiting schools with you if you wish.
Contact details are:
Telephone: 01952 457176
How are pupils consulted and involved in their education at Randlay primary school?
All pupils in our school are treated with dignity and respect. Children with additional needs receive a personalised learning offer through their provision map to enable them to experience success throughout their school life. Pupils are encouraged to contribute their views to their provision map and pupil passport throughout the academic year. The assessment and annual review process of statements and EHC plans includes the views of pupils.
How does Randlay Primary school support pupils with special educational needs transferring between phases of education?
The school offers an induction programme for children entering nursery and school to make the transition as smooth as possible. Home visits are made to pupils in the term before they start nursery to meet children in the home setting. There is opportunity during this visit to discuss any concerns about your child’s development. We liaise closely with other settings in the area and can offer shared placements where necessary.
For children starting full time Foundation we offer a series of school visits in the term before the child starts. At this time parents are also invited to attend meetings about matters relating to starting school.
For children moving from Full time Foundation to Key Stage one a series of story time sessions are arranged in the summer term. All children in school complete the SEAL topic on Changes to prepare them for the new academic year. Where children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs have worked with a dedicated teaching assistant this member of staff will move with the child for a settling in period.
Before transfer to Key Stage two all pupils meet with their new class teacher for an afternoon. Teaching staff meet together to discuss their class with the previous class teacher and SENDCO to ensure that the new teacher understands all of the children’s learning needs. In Year 5 pupils attend the local secondary school, The Telford Park School, for a secondary “experience” day. As pupils reach year 6 Secondary school transition days are attended by pupils. Year 7 teachers from our feeder secondary schools come into school to meet with the pupils and to have discussions with the current class teacher.
All pupils with SEND needs complete a ‘pupil passport’ to be passed on to their new teacher.
How does the governing body involve others-including health, social services, local authority services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of pupils at Randlay Primary and in supporting their parents?
Support for children with SEND is co-ordinated by the SENCO and is responsive to the needs of the child.
Class teachers are responsible for the planning of learning and progress of the children in their class. Specific provision and targets are recorded on the pupils provision map, co-ordinated by class teachers and overseen by the SENCO. These are used additionally by key support staff for interventions and updated using assessment information from everyone involved with the child.
Professionals from other agencies involved with the pupil set targets that are addressed in the provision map. They work with class teachers and teaching assistants who run interventions and support children in one to one and small group situations to ensure that provision is relevant to all of the pupil’s needs.
School has two trained lead professionals who are able to carry out Common Assessment Frameworks to access further support from health care professionals and social services such as CAMHS and Family Connect.
What are the arrangements made by the governing body for dealing with complaints from parents/carers of pupils in relation to SEN provision made by Randlay Primary school?
The process for all complaints is made available through the school handbook which is updated each year. The complaints procedure is also available on the website.
Where is the information on the Telford and Wrekin’s Local offer published?
There is further detail on our website of our own School Offer for SEND and this links to the Local Offer on the Family Connect pages on the Telford and Wrekin website.
SEN information report 2024.2025
Provision for SEND in school 2024.2025
SEND Policy 2024.2025
Accessibility Policy 2024.2025
Accessibility PLAN 2024.2025
Nurture Policy 2024.2025