Uniform Shop

We encourage all children to wear a school uniform—we like to see children looking smart and ready to learn in appropriate school clothes. You may decide to purchase logo-based items from our supplier Bakers & Son in Wellington, or you may prefer plain (no logo) items from any local supermarket. We always aim to promote sustainability so therefore from time to time we have nearly new uniform events.
This consists of:
• Black or dark grey trousers/skirts/pinafore dresses
• Red school sweatshirt/cardigans or plain red jumpers and plain red cardigans
• White polo-shirts/blouses/shirts
• Black shoes
• Trainers/boots/high heels/pumps are not permitted

Summer Wear

• Black or dark grey shorts/trousers, white short sleeved shirts or white polo-shirts (boys)
• Red and white check dresses, white socks (girls)
• Sun hats
• Sandals are not suitable footwear for playtimes, school shoes must be worn
• Suitable trainers / pumps

PE Wear

• Red logo PE t-shirt (Supplied by Bakers) or a plain red t-shirt (football tops are not permitted)
• Black PE shorts and/or black jogging bottoms
• Black logo PE hoodie (supplied by Bakers) or a plain Black sweatshirt / hoodie for colder weather
• In Year 4 children go swimming. A towel and swimwear is required.
Children are expected to take pride in their appearance and jeans and tracksuits are not allowed. It is expected that children will wear shoes at school as trainers are not suitable for wear throughout the day. Shoes with a heel height of more than 5cm (2 inches) will not be allowed.
Jewellery must not be worn in school. It is often lost, damaged and can be dangerous. For safety reasons earrings, other than studs should not be worn. All studs must be removed for PE sessions or covered with tape.

PE Lessons / Afterschool Sports Clubs

Children must change into their PE kits for physical education lessons and after school clubs.
All your child’s clothing and belongings should be labelled with his/her name.


We encourage children to wear old clothes suitable for play based activities. You may decide to purchase a Nursery logo jumper and/or a logo polo t-shirt from Bakers in Wellington but this is not compulsory. We encourage all families to keep a spare set of clothing in their child’s nursery bag.

Uniform Policy Information

Buying Uniform

You can find out more about buying uniform on the uniform shop page of our Parents’ Area:

Uniform Shop